emem03 (12 years ago) alam mo yan
Sheldon03 (12 years ago) Do u have nimbuzz id ?
Sheldon03 (12 years ago) Again u didn't reply
Sheldon03 (12 years ago) I will
Sheldon03 (12 years ago) Ok but reply as soon as u can
Shoaibie (12 years ago) V Gud Evening my dear frndhave a sweet tyme:heartI Love U Frnd
playgirlsai (12 years ago)
levels87 (12 years ago) i wish we ar together
levels87 (12 years ago) i like ur syle
bdkchoki (12 years ago) hye.. thnks app
Jaggy7172 (12 years ago) Gud morning have a gud day
johnken20 (12 years ago) hi...friend how r u ?