mohit6191 (13 years ago) The things I've done, I can't explain.I know because I know it hurts and causespain.I can't say I didn't know what I was doing.I don't kn...
ZkayceeZ (13 years ago) SweeT MornInG Take Care khaycee
ZkayceeZ (13 years ago) the recipe of friendshipone cup of sharingtwo cups of caringthree cups of forgiveness and hugsmix all of t...
mohit6191 (13 years ago) good afternoon fnd...
mohit6191 (13 years ago) FriEnD iS likE a coLouR peNciL&maY bE i'm nOt uR faVouRitE coLouR.BuTi hOpE u'll nEeD mE soMeWheRe tO coMpLetE uRdRaWiNg.