Emosi Tingkat Kabupaten... - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) PERFECT is notwhen COMPATIBLEpersons are together its when you're BOTHOPPOSITE but evenin that way,you STILLCOMP...
Faiziii143 (12 years ago) Be Ambitious, but still Aim for a simple life.Be Determined and yet learn to compromise.Be Thoughtful and yet keep your Peace of mind.Be Em...
MuthyHwa (12 years ago) Wa'alaikum salam...
Faiziii143 (12 years ago) Asalam*u*Aliakum*Dear Friends**Your Remaning**Sleeping Time**Has**been Expired**so**Plz**...
zizo202 (12 years ago) xiicharm05 (12 years ago)
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) tnx for adding me muthyhwa .