Relation: It's complicated | |
Mobile Operator: syriatel | |
Phone Model: nokia3230 | |
Schools: secondary | |
Like: wolves, ports, movies, every things crazy and cyte | |
Hate: study | |
Fav. Music: pop | |
Fav. Movies: Harry Potter, the lord of the rings | |
Fav. Books: Harry potter, Alqran alkarem | |
Fav. Celebrity: Daniel radcliffe, Elijah wood, David beckham, Zac Efrton, Orlando bloom, Avril, Hilary duff, Owen, Gerard, shayne word, Akon, Fergie, Rihanna, Nadal, Djokovitc, ghadi | |
Skinner Since: 17 years ago | |
Last Login: 13 years ago | |