I can stay Alone but My Shadow doesnt like to stay alone sooo My friend pleaseeeee Be with Me always
![](<a target=)
">http://s3.favim.com/orig/47/baby-brunette-couple-cute-friends-Favim.com-432503.jpg" border="0"/>
Coz everytime i c u, i hear violin playing soft music for me , and i also feel the magic of colours all around myself
![](<a target=)
">http://s3.favim.com/orig/47/blue-cute-girl-heart-legs-Favim.com-432494.jpg" border="0"/>
And as i c u, i feel the fragrance of thousands of Roses around Me
![](<a target=)
">http://s3.favim.com/orig/47/flowers-landscape-photography-Favim.com-432491.jpg" border="0"/>
That is
![](<a target=)
">http://s3.favim.com/mini/47/amazing-beautiful-black-blue-cute-432482.jpg" border="0"/>
I know M selfish but i just want to say " i want to be with u forever My Friend "
![](<a target=)
">http://data.whicdn.com/images/29106420/77965c7833FAVVWQT_79563_9afc991044_thumb.jpg" border="0"/>