ayaz7571 (10 years ago) hi extra ordinary cute
ayaz7571 (10 years ago) why u dont response me ,it mean i should say good bye forever
ayaz7571 (10 years ago) silent girl
ayaz7571 (10 years ago) hy missing cute are u alive
NIX45 (10 years ago) Many years ago, while working as a volunteer in a hospital, I met a beautiful girl, who suffered from a strange disease, his only recovery was a ...
NIX45 (10 years ago)
NIX45 (10 years ago) Because the distance and time is not so important..
ayaz7571 (10 years ago) hy cutie
NIX45 (10 years ago) TAKE CARE
NIX45 (10 years ago) A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard . I did not know how to move on and wanted to give up. She...
NIX45 (10 years ago) Are you like the egg that starts weak and malleable and in adversity you become hard inside?Or are you like the coffee bean that is able to cha...