AYSHA01 (10 years ago) Hai.,gopika kutty..Hw r u..?
kunal55543 (10 years ago) hii add me frend
jeyen26 (11 years ago) Love is not how long u’ve been together,Not how much u’ve given or receive,[color=#ff...
jeyen26 (11 years ago) May ur new year will be filled with full of happiness throughout the year.. zizo202 (11 years ago)
atm169 (11 years ago) [url=http://www.desicomments.com/happy-new-year/may-this-year-bring-peace-happiness-for-the-world/] atm169 (11 years ago) tnxSuhamano?
atm169 (11 years ago) w!sHUAHapPy neW YEaR