Abhishek5825 (13 years ago)
anita you are so beiutifull plz add are me
vishnu3677 (13 years ago)
Chechy,enne friend aakkamo?
asifmas333 (13 years ago)
Hai,Anita.i am asif from malappuram
sreerag99 (13 years ago)
hai anita!will you accept my friendship?please...
Wolverin204099 (13 years ago)
Hiii.....my self wolverin.would u be my frnd....
Arun1161 (13 years ago)
Gd n8 and sweet (panchasara) dreams
asees369 (13 years ago)
malappurathu evideya ..
asees369 (13 years ago)
hi...anitha hw r u?
SANU30 (13 years ago)
"I believe in Angels sent from the haven. I am surounded by Angels, but i call them FRENDS"HAVE A GUD DAY FOR U & UR SOME NEW FRENDS![](img/emoticons/7.gif)
nithin14373 (13 years ago)
Rocky6478 (13 years ago)
Hi,Anita GuD mOrNiNg.
7891300582 (13 years ago)
Rohit0353 (13 years ago)
hemant0448 (13 years ago)
anish1531 (13 years ago)
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