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vincent0277 Guestbook

vincent0277  (11 years ago)
let me not eat nd b satisfy until i do some tin for my lord
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
let me not eat nd b satisfy until i do some tin for my lord
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
if d son of man shal set us free we re free indeed,
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
christ came so dat we may hav life nd hav it more abundantli,
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
fada my life is in ur hand, without u i can do notin, leav me fada, if u leav me i wil fall,
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
a man who wants to pls every one is a man who wil nt mak it in life,
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
a singer said must i meet him with an empty handed, is there no trophy dat i wil lay b4 him,
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
any we are doin if we are not doin dat for de popos of God, we re for eva lost,
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
heavenly fada tank u 4 anoda day, tank u 4 makin us seein anoda day, we wrship u,
vincent0277  (11 years ago)
men hav paid price to obtain power 4rm God,

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