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Casandra91 Guestbook

Anuj3126  (13 years ago)

sanjeev3199  (13 years ago)
Friends pictures here!Friends pictures here!Friends pictures here!Friends pictures here!Friends pictures here!Friends pictures here!Love pictures here!
sanjeev3199  (13 years ago)
Love pictures here!Love pictures here!Love pictures here!Love pictures here!Love pictures here!Love pictures here!
hussein1954  (13 years ago)
sanjeev3199  (13 years ago)
Love pictures here!Love pictures here!Love pictures here!Love pictures here!Movie pictures here!Movie pictures here!
maruf794  (13 years ago)

A GirL wiLL SmIlE In pAiN, CrY In jOy..
sHe wiLL GiVe uP aLL HeR PLeaSuReS;
JuSt fOr a sMiLe fRoM SoMeOnE ShE LoVeS..♥
sHe wiLL ChAnGe a 100 dReSsEs,
n sTiLL nOt LikE AnY..
sHe wIlL ShOuT LiKe mAnIaCs;
tHeN CrY LiKe a LiL KiD..
ShE WoULd HuG YoU, n fOrGeT ThE WodLD..
ShE WoULd Be sAtIsFiEd bY A SiMpLe: 'I'm ThErE..'
a gIrL DoEsN’T NeEd bIg tHnGs iN LiFe
sHe iS HaPpY WiTh tHe sMaLL pOpCoRn aT ThE MoViE..

VaLuE ThE GiRlS In yOuR LiFe,
bE It uR MoThEr, SiStEr, GrAnDmOtHeR,
WiFe, LoVe-mAtE Or a fRiEnD...
sHe hAs gIvEn hEr sOuL FoR Ur jOy;
rEsPeCt gILS N MaKe tHeM FeeL pRoUd...
gOOd NigHt My FrieND

sanjeev3199  (13 years ago)
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argelix  (13 years ago)
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maruf794  (13 years ago)

**MaKe a mInD WhIcH NeVeR mInDs...
mAkE A HeArT WhIcH NeVeR hUrTs...
mAkE A ToUcH WhIcH NeVeR pAiNs...
MaKe a ‘ReLaTiOn’ wHiCh nEvEr 'EnDs'.
In aNy reLAtIoNsHiP,
tHe eSsEnCe oF TrUsT Is nOt iN ItS BiNd, AgE, cAsTe oR CrEeD.
BuT In iTs bOnD...
So hOlD ThE HaNd oF ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe...
rAtHeR ThAn eXpEcTiNg tHeM To hOlD YoUrS...**
EnJoY Ur bEaUtIfUL LifE WiTh cArE..sMiLe & LoVe...
i`M sLeePy... bYe... bYe...hAvE eNrgEtiC sLeePy dAy

sweetheart13  (13 years ago)

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