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yaprak69 Guestbook

M0N0777  (7 years ago)

M0N0777  (7 years ago)

M0N0777  (7 years ago)

Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love
what you are doing,
You will be successful.
Love is the master key
That opens the gate of happiness.
evawawa18  (7 years ago)

Take Careā™„

M0N0777  (7 years ago)

M0N0777  (7 years ago)

evawawa18  (7 years ago)

evawawa18  (7 years ago)

Sometimes the people
we've known for a short amount
of time have
the biggest impact
on our lives,
even more than those
we've known forever. Sharing~
evawawa18  (7 years ago)

evawawa18  (7 years ago)

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