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r3nch4n Guestbook

Alien1989  (13 years ago)
Hi frnd! Tnx for adding me ve a luvly day
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
MaY u aLwAyS hAVe : eNoUgH hApPiNeSs tO kEEp u sWeEt; eNoUgH TrIaLs tO kEEp u sTrOnG; eNoUgH SuCcEsS tO kEEp u eAgEr; eNoUgH fAiTh tO gIvE u cOuRaGe; and eNoUgH dEtErMiNaTiOn tO mAkE eAcH DaY a gOOd DaY... gOOd mOrNiNg dEAr nD hAvE a FaBuLoUs DaY aHeAD...!!!
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
LifE iS a cOmBiNaTiOn oF aDjUsTmEnTs aNd cOmPrOmIsEs ... AdJuSt wHEn sOmEoNe wAnTs tO bE wITh YoU aNd cOmPrOmIsE wHEn YoU wANt tO bE sOmEoNe... gOOd aFtErNoOn dEAr...!!! {Image}
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
In LiFe, GOD DoEsN't gIVe yOu tHe PeOpLe yOu wANt. InStEaD HE gIvEs yOu tHe PeOpLe yOu nEEd tO tEaCh yOu, tO hURt yOu, tO LoVe yOu and tO mAKe yOu eXaCtLy tHe wAy yOu ShOuLd bE!!! So hAvE tRuSt oN GOD. gOOd aFtErNoOn dEAr...!!! {Image}
huchanx  (13 years ago)
plz accept me....
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
If U'rE nOt haPpy beIng siNGle, u'lL neVer bE haPpy iN A reLaTiOnShIp ! Y ?! LIVe uR oWn lIFe fiRst, nD tHEn tRy tO shAre iT wITh sOMe1 sPeCiAl... gOOd MoRnInG dEAr...!!!
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Could you do me a favour? Put your left hand over your right shoulder then your right hand to your left shoulder. There! I've just given you a morning hug!!! Good Morning Dear & Have A Great Day Ahed...!!!
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
We may not shower him with praise Nor mention his name in song, And sometimes it seems that we forget The joy he spreads as he goes along, But it doesn't mean that we don't know The wonderful role that he has had And away down deep in every heart There's a place that is just for Dad... May your Father live long and keep showering his blessings to u. Happy Father's Day.!!!
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Relationship is like a garden... It's beautiful when watered with love, hug, tears and cheers but it dries up if left untouched... So keep in touch always!!! Good Evening Dear...!!!
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Welcome Dear
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