Zahirlucky12 (12 years ago)U ful wröng going nimo plz understand.
jazzy75 (12 years ago)nim wht wrög with u bby.....why u doeng these...b cool....
Zahirlucky12 (12 years ago)U have ful mad i understand go now
jazzy75 (12 years ago)kya hua haider....sab thek thak to hai na...
Zahirlucky12 (12 years ago)Ok thank u real tel me u like i die ok go nöw fast.
Zahirlucky12 (12 years ago)My 3rd bro have a unmaried so how i fast maried than my big bro tel me
Zahirlucky12 (12 years ago)Who my 1st wife hmm tel me why tel u i have 1st wife but i most time tel it i dont marieg past time
Zahirlucky12 (12 years ago)Oh i tel lies very good wow wow what feel u i have liar and cheater past time tel it u me
Zahirlucky12 (12 years ago)Ok u not my last and 1st life i have a alone so i live alone u search ur city boys.