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Idea for Valentine Days

NICEDAAY Guestbook

kyle125  (11 years ago)

kyle125  (11 years ago)
ok, bye now...
kyle125  (11 years ago)
ok... what time is it now there?
kyle125  (11 years ago)
do you know or understand some of our language?
kyle125  (11 years ago)
ok... me, im working as a call center agent, im a civil engineering graduate... how come you knew a lot of filipino?
cheromez  (11 years ago)
me 2 nyc to kn0w u wait dat pic is u or n0t?
cheromez  (11 years ago)
OH dats ok xo h0w do u do?
cheromez  (11 years ago)
realy w0w dats nyc xo u cn sPeak tagalog
cheromez  (11 years ago)
xure we cn be frndz n' tnx 4 lykng d pipol of my c0untry
precious8110  (11 years ago)
oh realy thx...sure f u wnt me as ur frend
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