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Bored, Chilly or Horny ???

Giyomi007 Guestbook

mamyLz  (10 years ago)
Have u gone mad?. . are u joking or just have lost
their minds?. . . you're somebody sorts there. . . I'll delete
u from my friends list na. . .
mamyLz  (10 years ago)
huissshh!!. . . .
i'm sorry for your situation dear. . .
but what can i do for u??
mamyLz  (10 years ago)
Not to mention. . .I now chat with the girl's heart. . .
why?. . .are you okey??
mamyLz  (10 years ago)
smart girls

ooppss!!. . .why do? they are all my friends, not lovers or fans
initiative is all yours!. . .huuuhuuu

Well unfortunately, I have to go now, I need to resume
my work,
we'll talk again.

bye dear

......Sate, zan'nen'nagara, watashi wa ima ikanakereba
naranai, watashi wa watashi no shigoto o saikai
suruhitsuyōgāru, wareware wa futatabi hanashimashou ​​.
Wareware wa futatabi watashi no ai, wakare o mitasu

mamyLz  (10 years ago)
jokes right therapy for the soul

I actually prefer to use my account on that one, you
know which one?
. . . .so now everything is clear, there is nothing that you
want to ask again?

mamyLz  (10 years ago)
I though there was a bit of healthy chaos,
sure I use
both, because it belongs to me,
only I did not use
simultaneously in one time..
because it is impossible to
do,..why do you ask?
mielz8058  (10 years ago)

start your day with hope,
touch of love for the sake of happiness,
and I could be with friends,
May your day be full of happiness abounds..,
Good morning dear friends.


mielz8058  (10 years ago)

balakong  (10 years ago)
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mielz8058  (10 years ago)

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