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Popping Pink

Ada892 Guestbook

suhaan153  (13 years ago)
When you've been hurt by the person who ¡s close to you, Do f¡ght w¡th h¡m, B'coz somet¡mes these f¡ghts saves the Relation, But being quiet leaves nothing in the Relation! Have A Great DaY...!!!
z0za9A  (13 years ago)
Romantic Woman - Comments and Graphics! Flowers Wishes - Comments and Graphics! Flowers Wishes - Comments and Graphics!
atifsony  (13 years ago)
__________,-~-. _.–._.-~-,
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_________ /___’a___a`___\
_________|____,’(_)`.____ |
_________\___( ._|_. )___ /
__________\___ .__,’___ /

Alot of Care & Lve
Atif Shehzad

sshiela57  (13 years ago)
gud mowning sweet
jodyirwansyah  (13 years ago)
good ev.....ning friend.

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