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AYSHA42  (13 years ago)


Parents is My "EYES",
Lovr is My "HEART",
Teacher is My "BRAIN",
Brother is My HAND",
But, FRNDS is My "BLOOD"
That's U My Dear Frnd...!

AYSHA42  (13 years ago)

in life..
...some know you..
...some remember you..
...some like you..
....some understand you.....
some care for you.....
a TRUE FRIEND does all above &
always hopes the best for you......

ainwayah  (13 years ago)
Hello - Comments and Graphics!
Friends - Comments and Graphics!
Hugs - Comments and Graphics!
ainwayah  (13 years ago)
جمعه مباركه عليك

[URL=http://up.arab-x.com/] {Image} [/url]
[URL=http://up.arab-x.com/] {Image} [/url]

AYSHA42  (13 years ago)
اليوم جمعة فلا تنسى ثلاثة أمور
الأول :
هناك حبيب لك و لربك أكثر من الصلاة على المصطفى صلى الله عليه و سلم
هناك ساعة استجابة تنتظرك فاحرص ألا تضيعها و ادعو لكل المسلمين
الثالث :
هناك مرسل لك ينتظر دعائك له في ظهر الغيب فلا تنسانا
اللهم اعتق رقابنا و المسلمين و المسلمات من النار اللهم...آميـــــــــــــــــــــن

AYSHA42  (13 years ago)
Good morning!
I pray that ALLAH
will always take care of you.

AYSHA42  (13 years ago)
If I could pull down the rainbow
I would write UR name with it &
put it back in the sky
2 let everybody know
how colorful my life is with a friend like U!!


AYSHA42  (13 years ago)

I miss you when you are out of sight

Our frndship bond was meant to be.

I think of you with great delight

you are almost part of my life.


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