

最后登錄時間: 12 years ago
何時加入吾網: 15 years ago
國際/地區: surat
年齡: 39



情感狀況: 單身貴族
我的手機型號: Nokia E72
我的電訊運營商: Airtel
職業: Branch Manager
公司: Hikvision Digital Technology Co, Limited



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My Parents call me MITWA.
And I am registered in my death certificate as..oh sorry,
in my birth certificate as MITESH

And I don’t know what people think of me..So what I can say is only “I DON’T CARE”, would you mind it? ..Again, I Don’t Care!

“I am a harmless Creature, until all my harmones work properly”.

I hate people who act over smart..

I take lot of time to adjust with anybody..might be a drawback of me.
I don’t underestimate anyone.
Misunderstanding has played appreciably great strocks in my life and I am crazier than that, because I enjoy it..
And I can forgive the person who kills me, but not the one who misused me.Now I know, you are thinking, what the hell this person might be of use??
The answer is, I also don’t know.But still I hate people who misuse me..now leave it.

I love to live with my friends and for friendship I don’t consider their any previous achievements. I love all those who feel comfortable with me and who make me feel comfortable with them…
And I never ever go behind any person(irrespective of their SEX) who don’t like my attitude and don’t want to be my friend..
I believe in GOD..I am optimistic.I am Moody.
I always think positive–> Which have never helped me to achieve anything, but still it has become a habit.
I forgive people soon, as I feel this life as too short and have no time to keep on proving others as wrong and we the only perfect!

I love innovative things.
I love to be Honest.

And one thing I have observed about myself is,I don’t go behind famous people, as it would be an extra burden to them. **I don’t like to disturb anybody**
I enjoy the company of people who are FREE.I too love to live freely!

I believe that people wont understand the importance of the other person until that person is found dead.
And I am not an important person,

can you guess Y ?


because……………I am still alive.

I respect each and every person on this earth.

I guess, you are my friend..because you read until here, soooo

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