

Son Giriş: 11 years ago
Üyelik Tarihi: 15 years ago
Ülke: al-ain
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Yaşım: 31

Anonymous Identity

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İlişki Durumum: Bekar'ım
Telefon Modeli: NOKIA 6110 Nevigator
Gsm Operatörü: DU
Mesleğim: student
Okulum: Pakistan islamia high secondry school Al, Ain
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Ziyaretçi Defterim (1) Ziyaretçi Defterine Yaz

11 years ago

Friend gives you smile
But true friend gives you happiness

Friend will lie about you
But true friend won’t tell your weakness

Friend knives your back
But true friend will slog your face

Thousands friends come when you’re happy
But only one true friend comes when you cry

Friend comes when he needs you
But true friend comes when you need him

Friend leaves when everybody does
But true friend comes when everybody leaves

Friend comes and leaves
But true friend is yours forever

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