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12 years ago

mErRy ChRiStMaS My SwEeT FrIeNd

eNjOy yOuR DaY....
12 years ago

gOoD NiGhT My bUDdY SleEp wElL
12 years ago

gOoD MoRnInG DeAr BudDy

HaVe a NiCe DaY
12 years ago

good evening my friend......
12 years ago

gOoD NiGhT My SwEeT FrIeNdzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZSSSS.........

P r E m
12 years ago



wishing you all a merry christmas!

12 years ago

whÿ dö böÿs nëëd ä frïënd whö ïs ä ġïrl ???


-shë wïll nëvër lëävë ü älönë whën ü ärë säd…
-shë wïll sëë tö ït thät ü dö ür wörks ön tïmë…
-shë wïll mäkë sürë ü dön’t skïp
mëäls tö pläÿ mätċhës & dö wörk…
-shë wïll äsk ü tö lëävë ür bäd häbïts
ëvërÿdäÿ, ëvërÿ tïmë…
-shë wïll fïġht wïth ü ön smäll mättërs,
bt wön’t këëp d änġër för lönġ…
-shë wïll mäkë ÿöü mönëÿ-wïsë…
-shë wïll säÿ: dön’t w0rrÿ,
ëvën ïf thërë’s löt tö wörrÿ ör nöthïnġ tö wörrÿ...
-shë wïll mäkë ÿöü pünċtüäl…
-shë wïll hëlp ÿöü rësträïn ür änġër…
-shë wïll tälk tö ü 15 tïmës ä däÿ
tö knöw whät ü’rë döïnġ…
ü mïġht fëël büġġëd ät tïmës,
bt trüth ïs thät ÿöü ċän’t dö änÿthïnġ wïthöüt hër…
äs ġïrls ärë spëċïäl ġïft öf ġöd för böÿs…❤
sö respect & rëälïżë thëïr wörth
änd täkë ċärë 0f thëm…❤

they are the priceless creation by GOD

dëdïċätëd tö äll ġïrls änd böÿs
whö shärë thë lövë änd frïëndshïp n os…!!
12 years ago

12 years ago

Don't ask what the meaning of life is...
We define it .....

What will our life mean
by the time it is over with?
Will we leave behind a great legacy,
a legacy full of success,
full of stories that will make us laugh,
stories that will make us cry,
and stories that will make us believe that
anything, absolutely, anything is possible???

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if we are willing to put forth the effort,
and never give up on life?
Or will our legacy consist of a mundane lifestyle
in which its author made little to no attempt
to juicy up his or her narrative.

We all have a choice.
Every day is a day in which we can
consistently decide if we want
to work our hardest to make
some changes to this world.

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What mark will we leave on the world
by the time we are gone?
Will we make an effort to leave on at all?


Don't ask what the meaning of life is...
We define it .....

12 years ago
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good morning my buddy
12 years ago

Laugh as much as you breath
and love as much as you live.

One of the most effective antidotes
to the stresses of life is laughing a good laugh,
and loving as much as we can while we live.

When we hear laughter,
we associate whatever situation we are in,
with happiness, at least usually.
When we just let go of our fears,
and allow ourselves to be happy,
even in the worst of times,
it can change the playing field quickly.

Choosing to love as much as we live is
like the second of the 1-2 punches
when you are trying to defeat
whatever despair lies ahead of you.
if we just devote ourselves to keeping a loving,
and positive attitude while at all possible,
we will easily be able to conquer life as we know it.

Make an effort today to keep love in your heart,
no matter what hate is thrown in your path,
and to keep laughing,
even when the world tries its hardest to steal your smile...

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SmiLinG nYt wiT LovE.
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12 years ago

glitter pictures

12 years ago

... good morning ...

... beautiful thursday ...

12 years ago

take care

12 years ago

glitter pictures

glitter pictures

12 years ago

glitter pictures

glitter pictures

12 years ago


''A tear
Carrying the DNA of pain
Washing away hurtful stains
A tear
Expressing unspeakable feelings
Creating new channels of healing

❤ ❤❤">" border="0"/>❤ ❤

A tear
Traveling through tunnels of tragedy
Transporting tremendous tons of therapy
A tear
Rushing into a river of reformation
Creating a deluge of consolation

❤ ❤❤">" border="0"/>❤ ❤

A tear
Tearing down walls of internal imprisonment
Building beautiful bridges of betterment
A tear
Providing homeostasis
Averting my crisis

❤ ❤❤">" border="0"/>❤ ❤

A tear
Seasoned with the salt of reality
Rescued me from the claws of insanity
A tear
Flowing directly from the tear in my soul
Anchoring my feet and making me whole

❤ ❤❤">" border="0"/>❤ ❤

A tear
Much thanks to you my dear tear
You are the reason I’m still here''

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it doesn't mean i'm sad
i only mean some times we all need a flow of tears
to realize wats joy of living

❤ ❤❤">" border="0"/>❤ ❤

happy night with lot of tears


12 years ago

12 years ago

12 years ago


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Whoever u may be,
Wherever life leads u,
U r always
a Mom’s child,
a Dad’s dream,
a Family’s future,
a Friend’s heart &
Someone’s life!
Be d best of it..
">" border="0"/>╰★╮╰★╮

Nothing comes out as easy as it is understood
Some of the plans may not work out as good
Life may threaten at every turn
No distinct possibility may be seen for its peaceful return..
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I love Life and Life loves me
Life and I play beneath the midnight sun
Life and I play beneath the morning moon
Life brings me soup when I am ill
Life kisses me good night and greets me with a smile,
Life is every where
It is in you now and forever
it shall stay
Life is the wind blowing sideways
Life is the winter and the summer
I am Life You are Life We are Life...

╰★╮╰★╮">" border="0"/>╰★╮

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